• AUN DPPnet
  • aundpp@um.edu.my

The Accessibility & Universal Design Training Course 2022

This is the sixth program of training persons with disability to be an access auditor on public buildings. The program was organized in hybrid mode where the physical participants from Malaysia attended the course at Institute of Leadership and Development (ILD), Negeri Sembilan, while the online participants from other ASEAN countries joined the session virtually from 17 July 2022 until 30 July 2022.

The total of 33 PWDs from ASEAN have participated the program. The physical participants have audited the Faculty of Sports and Exercise Science on 25 & 26 July 2022 in University Malaya as part of the practical access auditing program. The online participants has audited building of their choice individually including campus building, federal court, mosque, school, bank, office, market, and residential.

Farewell Dinner with Director of AUN-DPPnet

Country Report Presentations with Mdm Bathmavathi Krishnan

Access Audit and Access Auditing Implimentation in Public Building by Mdm Chng Gaik Bee from Kuala Lumpur City Hall

Interview Session with participants

Pilot Simulation for Access Auditing before the actual auditing

Group Photo from 19 online participants from ASEAN

University of Malaya had invested in transportation for PWD to be utilised for PWD in the campus and the Secretariat rented the bus for the participants to experience the PWD friendly bus throughout the program.

PWD friendly bus for participants with wheelchair supported by Faculty of Dentistry

The Secretariat has uploaded the program summary on YouTube for reference : 

Last Update: 08/02/2023