• AUN DPPnet
  • aundpp@um.edu.my

On the 17th of August 2017, the first Executive Board Meeting was held at University of Malaysia. Professor Dr. Kamila bt. Ghazali is the chairman of the 10 member board within the ASEAN region. The roles of the Executive Board are:

1. to establish and oversee AUN-DPPnet programs and policies;

2. to propose, endorse and review AUN-DPPnet's annual programs;

3. to propose, endorse and review AUN-DPPnet's annual budget.

The board also consists of two disability experts, Professor Dato' Zaleha Omar, President of Malaysian Association of Rehabilitation Physicians (MARP) and Ms Judy Wee, LevelField Singapore, Consultant for Accessibilty and Inclusive Design.

Last Update: 08/03/2022